NERA members
The organisations that form NERA
Eindhoven University of Technology
TU/e works towards a sustainable world that produces enough energy for its consumption, unimpeded by scarce resources and without any impact on the climate. Our research will help pave the way for this challenging transition.
Delft University of Technology
TU Delft is the oldest and largest Dutch public technological university. The main tasks include providing scientific education, conducting scientific research, transferring knowledge to society and promoting social responsibility.
University of Amsterdam
The Centre for Energy Research was launched in 2010 as a research group attached to the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Law. Its research has the end-user as its main focus.
Leiden University
Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of Europe’s leading international research universities. It has seven faculties in the arts, humanities and sciences, spread over locations in Leiden and The Hague. The motto of the University is 'Praesidium Libertatis' – Bastion of Freedom.
University of Groningen
The University of Groningen is a research university with a global outlook, deeply rooted in Groningen, and is currently in or around the top 100 on several influential ranking lists. Research concentrates on three main focus areas– Energy, Healthy Ageing and Sustainable Society.
Utrecht University
Utrecht University is a wide-range, international research university of high standing. Our interdisciplinary research targets four themes: Life Sciences, Pathways to Sustainability, Dynamics of Youth and Institutions for Open Societies. We are a trailblazer in the field of modernising educational concepts.
University of Twente
At the University of Twente, we are pioneers in fusing technology, science and engineering with social sciences to impact the world around us. Our driving force is a deep sense of connection with people who share a curious, entrepreneurial spirit.
Tilburg University
At Tilburg University, we seek to study and understand society and in this way we contribute to solving complex societal issues. That is what drives us. And we achieve it through state-of-the-art knowledge in the disciplines of economics, business studies, and entrepreneurship, the social and behavioral sciences, law and public governance, the humanities and digital sciences, and theology.
Wageningen University
‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’ That is the mission of Wageningen University & Research. We are a world leading institute in the field of natural resources, agriculture, food, foodproduction and biobased solutions. Our approach is multidisciplinary. Our research is fundamental and application oriented, strongly related to the sustainable development goals and societal challenges in our domain.
TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the sustainable competitive strength of industry and well-being of society. This is our mission and it is what drives us, the 2,600 professionals at TNO, in our work every day.
The Dutch Research Council (NWO)
NWO's mission is to advance world-class scientific research that has scientific and societal impact. NWO approaches that from its vision of being a connector and is guided by its core values: groundbreaking, committed, reliable, and connecting. As a science funder, NWO facilitates excellent, curiosity-driven disciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. NWO also operates nine national research institutes through NWO-I, an independent foundation. Energy research is performed at the NWO institutes DIFFER, AMOLF, CWI and NIOZ where DIFFER has a specific focus on Energy (see below).